Push back on the narrative of being small.

Take Up Space.


Hey, I’m Jade.

My coaching style meets you where you are to create a partnership where I support you while we process your hopes and goals - and how to get from where you are now to your fullest self. I believe in compassionate accountability and the cultivation of resilience.

I’ll be a member of Team You and a partner who wants to roll up their sleeves and help you do the real work of self care!

What do I mean when I say take up space? I help people with all kinds of topics, but it’s always anchored in helping you exist as your full self in your life. This might show up as feeling disorganized and overwhelmed and we’ll explore how to pinpoint the real issue so you feel more capable. Maybe you are an introvert exhausted by the need to be extroverted professionally and we’ll co-create a process where you can honor your need for downtime.

My specialty is helping humans with bodies that exist in this world treat those bodies with kindness and reckon with the negative self image messages we so often absorb. Everyone deserves body liberation and appreciation. Everyone deserves to feel included. Everyone deserves to take up space. I’m here to offer you a space to do some self work and a process for moving forward in your self-acceptance journey. I want to tell you that wherever you are right now is okay AND you can reach for more.

I’m currently working towards my Body Trust® Provider Certification. What is Body Trust®? Be Nourished describes Body Trust, in part, as as a “radical revisioning of what it means to occupy and care for your body. It is a pathway to acceptance of the body, an alternative dialogue to the conventional paradigm of food, body image, and weight concerns in our culture. Body Trust is paradigm shifting work that invites bravery and fierce body compassion.” I’m also a ACE Certified Personal Trainer and Health Coach, and a proponent of joyful and/or intuitive movement in place of “exercise” and “healthism”.

What can coaching do for me?

  • The ICF defines "Coaching” as partnering with Clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.

  • I’ll support you in learning to trust yourself and your body. Together, we’ll cultivate your resilience so you can pursue things that bring you joy in life. You’ll leave our time together with a bigger toolbox for dealing with life’s setbacks, an expanded ability to show yourself kindness, and walk into each new day nourishing yourself in the best way you are able.

  • Learn about Body Trust, Health At Every Size, and Intuitive Eating and how to apply these concepts in your everyday life.

  • My approach to coaching aligns with what Andréa Ranae so effectively outlines here about “Why the Self-Help Industry isn't Changing the World.”: ”The thing that has been the most frustrating and concerning for me is how seemingly disconnected the personal growth industry is from the work of social justice even though the idea that "if you change your life, you can change the world" is deeply embedded within so many popular self-help brands and communities. Justice work and growth work collided within me like two cars crashing into each other at 70mph. It still does. The cognitive dissonance was too real and it felt like I was two different people. The coach and the activist.” - Andréa Ranae



Sometimes I hang out with squirrels

Transparency in coaching: 

  • I am a white, small fat, queer, femme human. I am fat positive, size inclusive, sex positive, and trans and non-binary informed. I am knowledgeable about alternative relationship structures and living with chronic illness.  I'm committed to continuing my journey to unlearn my internalized biases and work toward antiracism. I currently spend time learning from folks such as Nicole Lee’s Inclusive Life and The Adaway Group.

Training and Certifications:

  • My background includes facilitating community discussion groups and over a decade working in the environmental field. I also have a long-standing love for joyful movement that includes studying MENAHT dances since 2011. I’m a Certified Personal Trainer and Health Coach through the American Council on Exercise. I’m currently taking my 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training with Heart + Bones.  

  • I am currently working towards being a certified Body Trust Provider through Be Nourished, a program for helping professionals that is a "strengths-based, trauma-informed, scientifically grounded model of care informed by shame resilience theory, social justice movements, and self-compassion while working from the principles of Intuitive Eating and Health At Every Size®". I have also taken several trainings on Motivational Interviewing and Peer Mental Health Recovery support.

  • I’m a certified life coach through CLCC, an International Coaching Federation-accredited program.

My Teachers and Inspirations:
